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Leger Education Trust

Leger Education Trust


Governance in Multi Academy Trusts

In a multi-academy trust, the trust is responsible for a number of academies.  The MAT is governed by the members and the trustees.


The members are akin to the shareholders of a company.  They have ultimate control over the academy trust, with the ability to appoint some of the trustees and the right to amend the trust’s articles of association.


The trustees are responsible for three core governance functions: setting the direction, holding the CEO/Accounting Officer to account and ensuring financial probity.  As charity trustees, they must also ensure that they are complying with charity law requirements.  Academy trusts are charitable companies and the trustees are company directors and must comply with company law requirements.

Local Governors

The governing bodies in the academies in Leger Education Trust are known as an Academy Governing Body, 

Trustees delegate governance functions to the local level.  Trustees have complete discretion over what is delegated to each local governing board.  They may, for example, decide to delegate all functions to academies in the chain that are performing well and only a few to those academies that need greater support.